The Land of Israel studies major is an integrative subject that combines diverse areas of interest in the fields of knowledge of the land (geology, geography, archaeology, botany, zoology and history) and focuses on learning the subjects in the field. Over the course of two years, the students tour and study two units about Jerusalem from its beginnings until its unification in the Six Day War and two regional units to choose from: the Negev, the coastal plain, the central mountain and the north of the country. The studies are combined with daily tours and a three day seminar. Another matriculation unit includes a research paper in the field studied for the elective..
Who is the EY major for? For students who like to study and travel, are able to make an effort and study even at unusual hours and go on frequent tours at the expense of other subjects. The trend definitely requires sacrifice and investment, but it definitely pays off.
What is required of the student during their studies? Proper attendance in classes and full attendance on tours (20%). Submitting tour reports, exams and tests, periodical papers (30%) and form tests. (50%)
Load distribution between 11th and 12th grade:There is no difference: every year there are two matriculation exams. The AI Autop unit is deployed during the two years – submission in the twelfth grade.
Unique characteristics of the major: joint major for 11th and 12th together. Studying at unusual and late hours. A good orientation in the field and mastery of the material taught on the tours is required. The students are required to guide a tour once a year.
What will the student know at the end of the studies? The amount of knowledge that an Eretz student leaves with at the end of the two years is enormous! The most significant contribution is love for the country and its surroundings and the recognition that the more we learn, the more we discover how little we know about this country. Some of the students continue to engage in training in the green track in the army or in national service field schools. Some return to the field even after the service.