Pelech seeks to educate its students towards love and understanding of Torah and Mitzvot through the broadest curriculum integrating high-level Jewish and general studies with educational innovation, intellectual challenge, critical thinking, individual creativity, and social commitment.
For over half a century, Pelech has been a pioneer in teaching Talmud to its students as well as unique programs such as women’s studies, Yiddish, the arts, theater, and the sciences at a high level. To this day Pelech specializes in developing interdisciplinary programs in the Humanities and combining Torah studies with Art. The students are educated through a love of knowledge and learning, to develop intellectual habits of mind and skills, as well as curiosity to widen their horizons.
Pelech graduates are knowledgeable, sensitive, attentive young women who are confident in their ability to analyze social structures and take a stand as leaders in their communities, youth movements and various volunteer programs. Pelech encourages its students to take part in leadership roles in the religious world and Israeli society and promotes women’s involvement in improving social justice.